Create a Customer

Follow the instructions below to create a customer in Oracle.


Step Action Illustration


From the Home screen, click Receivables and select Billing from the options.


The Invoices page appears.


Click the Task icon and in the Customers section, select Create Customer. The Create Organization Customer page appears.


In the Customer Type field, select Organization (always select Organization).


In the Organization Information section, complete the following fields:
  • Name
  • Taxpayer Identification Number


In the Account Information section and complete the following fields:

  • Account Description
  • Account Type (Condo unit owners should select External)
  • Customer Class
  • Account Established Date


Scroll to the Account Address section and complete the following fields:
  • Account Address Set
  • From Date
  • To Date



Scroll to the Address section and complete the following fields:
  • Site Name
  • Mail Stop
  • Country (defaults to United States)
  • Address Line 1
  • City
  • State
  • Postal Code
  • County


Scroll to the Address Purposes section and click the Add "+" icon. A new Address Purposes line appears with the Site number defaulted.
Complete the following Address Purposes fields:
  • From Date
  • To Date
  • Purpose (Select Bill to)


Verify the information is correct and click Save and Close at the top of the screen.

Updated 9/20/2018 JM