Edit an Invoice Date

Changing the date parameter often occurs when an invoice date does not match the accounting date. For instance, when an invoice arrives a week past it invoice date. These instructions explain how to edit an existing invoice's invoice date in Oracle ERP.

Step Action Illustration


From the Home screen, access the Invoices Dashboard
The Invoices summary page appears.


Click the Search icon and enter either the Invoice Number or Supplier or Party.
Click Search.


In the generated search results, click the Invoice Number link.
 The Invoice Details page appears.


Click Actions and select Edit.


In the Invoice Header section, locate the Date field and click the Calendar icon to select a date. A Warning  message appears.
The Terms Date automatically updates to the same date as the Invoice Date.


Click OK.


Click Show More (adjacent to the Invoice Header title). Four navigation tabs appear.


Click the Accounting tab and change the Accounting Date to the new Invoice Date.
 A Warning pop-up appears.


Click OK.


If distribution lines were not configured before changing the dates, then all empty distribution line Accounting Date fields automatically change to the new date. If distribution lines were configured before changing the dates, ensure you modify their accounting dates to match the new invoice accounting date.


Click Save and Close at the top of the screen.

Updated 9/19/2018 JM