Credit an Existing Transaction

Follow the steps below to credit an existing transaction:


Step Action Illustration


From the Home screen, click Receivables and from the menu select Billing.


At the right of the screen, click the Search icon to see the following search fields:
  • Transaction Number
  • Transaction Date
  • Bill-to Customer Account Number
Enter information into the fields provided and click Search.


The results display on the screen.  Click the number of the transaction needed to open it on the screen.


The transaction displays on the screen.
From the menus at the top right, click the Actions menu.
Select Credit Transaction from the list.


In the Transaction Amounts section, enter the appropriate amount in any of the following to be credited:
  • Credit Percentage
  • Tax
  • Freight


Entering the percentage will automatically populate the Amount with the entered percentage amount.


When the amounts have been entered into the fields provided, scroll back to the top of the screen and click Complete and Close.


The Credit Memo now displays on the Manage Transactions list.
Click Done.

Updated 9/20/2018 JM