Perform a Manual Bank Reconciliation

Follow these steps to perform a manual bank reconciliation.





From the Home screen, click Cash Management, then select Bank Statements and Reconciliation.
The Overview page appears.


On the right side, click the Task icon. Under Reconciliation, click Manual Reconciliation. The Manual Reconciliation page appears.


Under the Unreconciled tab, in the Search section:
  • Bank Account:  Select an account
  • Date:  Enter data into the Date fields.
  • Click Search.  All bank statement lines and system transactions matching the search parameters appear.



When switching between the Unreconciled and Reconciled tabs, search criteria entered will be retained in the search fields.


In the Bank Statement Lines section, click View, click Columns, and check the Additional Information box.
*Note: Unchecking a column box hides the column from the display. Columns can be rearranged by clicking in the column's heading and dragging and dropping the column tot he preferred location.


Items can be sorted by Date, Amount or Transaction Type to make it easier to match transactions.
To Reconcile items, check the Bank Statement Lines Reference column and the corresponding transaction check box in the Systems Transactions Reference column. The Amount for each item will match.
Continue matching transactions from the Banking Statement to the System Transactions.



When all transactions have been matched the Difference shows as 0.00.
Click Reconcile.
The matched bank statement lines and system transactions disappear from the list.  Any unmatched lines remain.
Tip:  You can match and reconcile transactions at any time -- you don't need to wait until all lines are matched to click Reconcile.  Just be sure that the Difference field amount for all matched lines is 0.00.


*Note: Multiple items may be reconciled at one time.


When completed scroll to the top of the screen and click Done.  The Overview screen appears, and the process for reconciling a bank statement manually is complete.

Updated 4/9/2019 JM