Correct Import Errors


To correct import errors during the invoice import process, follow the instructions below:


Step Action Illustration


From the Invoices Dashboard, click the Task icon and select Correct Import Errors.
The download window displays.


On the Opening Correct Import Errors window, select Open with Microsoft Excel.
Click OK.
You may be prompted to enter your credentials to connect to Oracle.  Enter your credentials into the fields provided.


The Invoke Action window displays showing the progress of the download process.
When completed, the spreadsheet displays.


The Correct Import Errors spreadsheet shows the number of import errors during the invoice import process.


To search for a specific Invoice or group of invoices, click the Search icon in the Correct Import Errors tab.


The Search window displays showing several fields for searching invoices.
Enter the criteria needed and click Submit.
The Invoke Actions window displays again.


The list of invoices matching the criteria entered displays on the screen.
Proceed to correct the errors needed.


Use the icons available to make any corrections needed on the spreadsheet invoices.


Save any changes needed and submit the invoice import by clicking the Save and Submit Invoice Import icon.

Updated 4/9/2019 JM