Generate Allocations for Franchise Fees

The following Franchise Fees and Commisions can be calculated and posted to the General Ledger in Oracle:

The appropriate fee generation depends on the Rule or Rule Set chosen.


Follow the steps below to calculate a Franchise Fee or Commission in the General Ledger.


Step Action Illustration


From the Home screen, click General Accounting and select Journals.
The Journals Dashboard displays.


On the Journals Dashboard, click the Task Icon at the right of the screen.
In the Allocations menu, select Generate General Ledger Allocations.
The Generate Allocations screen displays.


On the Generate Allocations screen, in the Parameters section, click the arrow next to the Rule or Rule Set field.
Search and select for the appropriate rule set from the following list:
  • Franchise Fee - Royalty - Rooms
  • Franchise Fee - Royalty - F&B

  • Franchise Fee - Advertising Assessment

  • Franchise Fee - Reservations

  • Franchise Fee - Technology

  • Credit Card Commissions


The Enter  GL Period field appears under the Rule Set field.
Search and select the period needed for the allocation.


When the Rule Set and GL Period are selected, at the top of the screen, click Submit to generate the allocation.


A Confirmation pop up displays showing the Process ID.


Cancel out of the Allocations window, if needed.
On the Journals Dashboard, in the Process Monitor section, click the Refresh icon until the process appears in the list.
Click the View Output icon, if needed.


Search for the Franchise Fee Allocation Journal to view the generated allocation.

Updated 7/30/2019 JM