Oracle Tips

This page present some of Oracles standard features and functions, including the following items:


Required Fields

Oracle requires data in specific fields to process submitted functions.  These fields are marked with an asterisk (*)

See the example below:


Step Action Illustration


Required fields are labels with the asterisk (*).


The required fields on a form are what the system needs in order to process the requested action correctly.
Your business processes may require more or less information than the form needs.  Regardless of your business process, the marked required fields must contain relevant data to process.


Display Oracle in Multiple Firefox Browser Tabs

After logging in to Oracle, use the steps below to open additional browser tabs to see information and perform functions.


Step Action Illustration


To open a new empty tab in Firefox, click the Add icon at the top of the browser.


A new empty browser window displays.  
Click the Oracle bookmark to open an instance of Oracle in the new browser window.


The second instances of Oracle opens on the browser.


Browsing all Entries

In many cases, Oracle Cloud does not include a browse option in its search function. Sometimes, browsing all entries is helpful in locating an entry. The following tip describes how to use the Does not  equal or Does not contain option to list  all entries for a specific  search.


Note: If the Does not contain or Does not Equal option is unavailable, the method is not applicable for the specific search.

Step Action Illustration


To search all entries, open the Advanced search option by clicking Advanced.


In the Search function drop down list, search for the Does not equal or Does not contain option.  
Select either option.


Enter a combination of letter and numbers that are unique (not used as an existing entry.) Click Search.
Since none of the entries contain the entered combination, the entire list will display.


Advanced Search Features

The following steps show a few of the Advanced Search features which allow the user to determine how the search criteria are used, or select parameters based on the system options. The following items are shown below:


Step Action Illustration


The following items may be available in a basic search or may be in the Advanced Search.  Click Advanced in any search screen to access these features.


Add Fields to a Search
The Add Fields button displays if it is available for the specific search, but may not be on all advanced search features.
The Add Fields button displays.
Click Add Fields to see a list of fields to add.  Select one of the options and the field is added to the search parameters.  
Enter the search parameter needed and click Search.
Click the Save button to save a custom search.


Dynamic Searching
Some fields allow you to enter a letter and it will list all options containing that letter.  This is called a dynamic search because it responds to the entered character.


Search List
For some search parameters,  search parameters can be selected from a list of options.  To see the list options, click the arrow.
Select an option from the drop down list.
Click Search.


Search and Select
In some searches and forms, fields may have more options than can be displayed on the screen.  
To search for options not displayed, click the Search link at the bottom of the list.


Enter the parameters needed to search for the item needed.
The example shows a Business Unit search.  
This search feature is also available for searching Scheduled Processes.  


Search and Select Scheduled Processes
For Search and Select in the Scheduled Processes, click the Schedule New Process button.  
The Schedule New Process window displays, click the arrow button to see the list.
Click Search if the process needed is not displayed.
In the Search and Select pop up window, enter a Name and click Search.   In the example, Invoice was searched.
Select an option from the list.
On the Schedule New Process  window, read the description shown to make sure the correct process is selected.


Updated 2/20/2019 JM