Update the Oracle ADFdi Server Version

Use the following steps to update the Oracle ADFdi server version:


Step Action Illustration


PREREQUISITE: If your computer's version of ADFdi is different from the Oracle version, you may receive a Client Server Version Check message.
When you get the message, you must update the ADFdi add-in to the most current version to continue working successfully in Oracle.
To download the installer for the add in from the server, click Install.
To update ADFdi from outside of Oracle, see Install ADFdi.


A warning pop-up appears indicating that Excel must be restarted after the installation.
Click OK.


The Opening adfdi-excel-addin-installer.exe pop-up appears.
Click Save File.


The file is downloaded in the Internet browser's Downloads repository.
Access and open the downloaded file from the Downloads repository.
Click the adfdi file that shows in the download list.


The Update ADF Desktop Integration pop-up appears.
Click Install. Installation begins, and a progress bar displays until installation is complete.


Click Close. Installation is complete.


Proceed to Configure ADFdi.  

Updated 8/14/2018 JM